Editors: Lise Bender Jørgensen, Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood, Penelope Walton & John Peter Wild
Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 13
Joan Allgrove McDowell Memorial Appeal
The Abu Sha’ar Textiles 1991
L. Bender Jørgensen and G. M Vogelsang-Eastwood
Loomweights and Textile Production at Tel Migne-Ekron, Israel
0. Shamir
Textiles from Kefar Shahak, Israel
0. Shamir
Textiles and basketry at Kuntillat ‘Ajrud
A. Sheffer
A Pictorial “Clothing List”
G.M. Vogelsang-Eastwood
Basketry versus Textiles: On Terms
W.Z. Wendrich
Some Comments on Notes in ATN 12
G.W. Taylor
Weaving Combs
M.L. Ryder
Leather Garments from the Bronze Age?
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