Editors: Lise Bender Jørgensen, Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood, Penelope Walton & John Peter Wild
Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 12
H.-J. Hundt 1909-1990
K. Tidow
Joan Allgrove McDowell 1928-1991
Textiles with Bronze Ornaments of the Eastern Baltic Region
N. Khvochtchinskaya
The Textiles from Mons Claudianus, Recorded in 1991
L. Bender Jørgensen
Weft-faced Compound Tabbies: A Recantation
J.P. Wild
Textiles from En Rahel, Israel
0. Shamir
Loomweights and Whorls from the City of David
0. Shamir
Special Loomweights with Blue Dye from Tell Qasile
0. Shamir
Fleece Breakthroughs in 1990
M.L. Ryder
To Curators of Archaeological Textiles: A Warning Concerning Analysis of Dyes by HPLC
J. Wouters and A. Verhecken
Basketry: A Textile Technique?
W. Wendrich
Textile Symposia