Editors: Karina Grömer, Mary Harlow, Jane Malcolm-Davies, Ulla Mannering, Kayleigh Saunderson & Elsa Yvanez
Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 64
Threads and reused textiles as decorative items in Deir el-Medina, Egypt
Chiara Spinazzi-Lucchesi
Textile from the Crannog: analyses and weave experiment of a 2/1 twill weave from Oakbank, Scotland, 400 BCE
Susanna Harris, Frances Houston and Jason Oliver
Missing Link – Early Roman textiles and Norican-Pannonian female dress from Potzneusiedl, Austria
Kayleigh Saunderson, Karina Grömer and Lucia C. Formato
A chieftain’s colourful garments: microinvasive analysis of Norwegian Snartemo V textiles
Krista Wright, Maarten R. van Bommel, Tuija Kirkinen,Jenni Suomela, Jani Seitsonen and Janne Ruokolainen
Three objects catalogued as vantsöm in the collections of the Museum der Kulturen in Basel, Switzerland
Cary Karp and Anne Marie Decker
Fulled red hose: a grave find from Ravattula Ristimäkiin south west Finland dated to the early 13th century
Jaana Riikonen and Juha Ruohonen
Shirts for life and eternity in the grave of Bishop Peder Winstrup (1605–1679)
Pernilla Rasmussen
Norwegian double-cloth: warp-weighted loom experiments in a complicated technique
Katherine L. Larson and Marta Kløve Juuhl
Fashioning Sudan. Archaeology of Dress along the Middle Nile
Elsa Yvanez
Textile production in the Western Mediterranean: Phoenician and Punic contexts between the 9th and2nd centuries BCE
Nina Ferrante
Deciphering the pattern of the tablet-woven band on the tunic from Thorsberg
Sylvie Odstrčilová
Textile Resources in Viking Age Landscapes (TRiVal)
Eva Andersson Strand
Unpicking the Bacton Altar Cloth: innovative methodologies for interpreting embroidered textile artefacts
Challe Hudson, Cynthia Jackson, Natalie Bramwell-Booth, Christine Carnie and Jennifer Worrall
The Ghastly Garment: a knitted waistcoat associated with King Charles I
Jane Malcolm-Davies and Beatrice Behlen
TEX-KR project: from textile remains to lost practices, investigating the textile material culture of conflict of the Khmer Rouge regime
Magali An Berthon
EuroWeb COST Action ‘Europe through Textiles. Network for an integrated and interdisciplinary Humanities’
Agata Ulanowska, Francisco B. Gomes, Alina Iancu, Christina Margariti, Paula Nabais, Marie-Louise Nosch, Louise Quillien, Francesco Meo, Hana Lukesova and Magdalena Woźniak
Reconstructing Textiles and their History
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
Margrethe Hald and the Nordic History of Textile Research
Anne Drewsen
Smart Textiles from Antiquity to Modern Times
Audrey Gouy
DRESSED: The Widespread Role of Clothes, Textile Production and Clothing Concepts in Society
Ulrike Beck and Martin Jess
28th European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Annual Meeting
Ulla Mannering
VIII Purpureae Vestes International Symposium
Chiara Spinazzi-Lucchesi
Missing Persons: who were the typical Tudors?
Jane Malcolm-Davies
Current Research in Textile Archaeology along the Nile
Chiara Spinazzi-Lucchesi
Audrey Henshall 1927-2021
John Peter Wild
Annelies Goldmann 1936-2022
Johanna Banck-Burgess, Eva-Maria Pfarr and Antje Goldmann
Anne Reichert 1935-2022
Johanna Banck-Burgess, Sabine Karg, Helmut Schlichtherle, Wolfram Schier and Renate Ebersbach
Resources: Recent publications and News