Guidelines for Authors

The editorial board of the Archaeological Textiles Review welcomes submissions from academics, craftspeople, independent scholars and practitioners. The focus of the journal is mainly on archaeological textiles, including investigation and technical analysis of all textile material.


The deadline for articles is 1 May each year. 

The deadline for project reports is 1 June each year. 

The deadline for conference reports is 1 October each year. 

Notification of doctorates awarded and new books are accepted at any time up to about 1 November each year.

Length of submissions

Research articles should be no longer than 10,000 words, including abstract, references, captions, acknowledgements with a minimum of four and a maximum of ten of images. 

Project reports including captions should be no longer than 3,000 words with a minimum of three and a maximum of five of images. 

Conference reports should be no longer than 1,000 words, including captions with a maximum of two images (and the conference branding). 


Submissions should include the title, author, abstract, main text, acknowledgements, bibliography followed by the numbered image captions and table titles in one document.

Editorial policy

Submissions must be original and not previously published in the same format elsewhere. 

Please note that all manuscripts may be edited for clarity, length, and/or the quality of the English. All authors receive a pdf proof for comment and approval before publication. 


Submissions will be sent for double-blind peer review – ensure the author’s name appears only once at the top of the article and in image captions, as appropriate

People are identified with first name and surname only without titles such as Dr, Prof etc.


We are very grateful for the important work of our many dedicated peer reviewers. 


Essential guidelines on how to prepare articles and project reports are here to download. Please read them in full. 

Create an article

To submit an article write to one of the editors

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