Archaeological Textiles Review 66


Editors: Karina Grömer, Mary Harlow, Jane Malcolm-Davies, Ulla Mannering, Kayleigh Saunderson & Elsa Yvanez

Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 66



Textile research in the recent pre-digital past

Lise Bender Jørgensen


Assessment of material resource usage in Inuit skin clothing

Anne Lisbeth Schmidt, Roberto Fortuna, Anette Hjelm Petersen, Klaus Støttrup Jensen and Karsten Jensen

Wool fibre quality in Danish prehistoric textiles: a 3,000 year survey

Irene Skals, Ulla Mannering and Eva Andersson Strand

Icelandic mittens from archaeological contexts

Charlotte Rimstad, Ulla Mannering, Joe W. Walser III, Freyja H. Ó. Sesseljudóttir and Susanne Mueller

Criteria for matching fragmented archaeological textiles: a survey

Davit Gigilashvili, Hana Lukesova and Jon Yngve Hardeberg


Trans-PLANT and MASt: two interwoven projects

Rachele Pierini

Uncovering Scotland’s earliest textiles

Susanna Harris

Tablet weaves and more: textile news from Hallstatt

Kayleigh Saunderson, Karina Grömer and Daniel Brandner

Textile archaeological analyses of the finds from the Dürrnberg salt mine

Ronja Lau

Etruscan dress in context: from digitisation to motion capture

Audrey Gouy

Textiles tools, fabrics and craftspeople in the Wielbark culture (Poland, first to third century CE)

Magdalena Przymorska-Sztuczka

Imported fur in Viking Age Denmark and its importance as a visual marker

Luise Ørsted Brandt

Female dress in the Late Viking Age

Charlotte Rimstad

Textile colours of the Viking Age (TeCoVa)

Ulla Mannering

DocZow: documentation of intergenerational transmission in Zoroastrian women’s silk weaving

Azadeh Pashootanizadeh

Textile crossroads: outcomes of the EuroWeb COST Action 19131 Europe through Textiles

Agata Ulanowska, Karina Grömer, Catarina Costeira, Francisco B. Gomes, Alina Iancu, Christina Margariti, Paula Nabais, M.-L. Nosch, Louise Quillien, Francesco Meo and Magdalena Woźniak



Nettie K. Adams 1934–2024

Elsa Yvanez

Amica Sundström 1971–2024

By Maria Neijman

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