Annual Meeting in 2015

The The annual general meeting for 2015 was held at the National Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen, Denmark on the 8th of May 2015.

Present: Karina Grömer (editor), Eva Andersson Strand (editor), Ulla Mannering (editor), Tereza Štolcova (chair, minutes), Johanna Banck-Burgess, Kalliope Sarri, Annemette Bruselius Scharff, Kelvin Wilson, Giorgio Gavalas, Søren Diets, Joy Boutrup, Linda Hurcombe.

More than five members of the society Friends of Archaeological Textiles Review took part in the meeting in the National Museum of Denmark. The board members Ulla Mannering, Karina Grömer and Eva Andersson Strand presented the agenda as following:

1. Election of the chairperson, if somebody wishes

Tereza Štolcová accepted election as chairperson, and opened the meeting.

2. The report of the board for the period since the previous annual general meeting

The board presented the report for the period since the previous annual general meeting in Hallstatt in 2014. It included information about the latest issue No. 56, which was unfortunately published with a slight delay in the beginning of January 2015. Back issues are placed on the homepage with three years delay, and issue Nos. 52-53 were placed on the homepage in the winter 2015 together with issue Nos. 46-51. The ATN/ATR website payment platform has been moved from ATN homepage to the webshop of University of Copenhagen and is fully functional. Kenneth Jensen is now only managing the homepage of ATN/ATR. The festschrift to Lise Bender Jørgensen “Stitch in Time” is also available from the University of Copenhagen webshop as print on demand. Scans of the old issues Nos. 1-45 will be finished and posted online on the ATN/ATR homepage in the autumn 2015. The issues will also be sold on the University of Copenhagen webshop as print on demand. This size of the issues has still not been decided but will depend on weight and postage. The future of ATR as a print on demand solution was discussed during the meeting, as the society per year gets fewer and fewer members/subscribers. As for the fundraising, no external funds have been applied for in 2014 or 2015. The editors also thanked all the reviewers who ensure the high scientific standard of ATR. Even though the reviewing system slows down the editing process, it has turned out to work very well. Every contributor receives a PDF with his/hers article, which can be used for the gold open access policy. The editors also encourage everybody to send in information concerning forthcoming events and books of interest to textile scholars.

3. Account for ATN/ATR

As for the account for ATN/ATR of the year 2014, it cannot be closed before the account is made for the Danish Research Counsil, which has been postponed to the 31th of January 2016. Present existence of ATR is dependent not only on the scientific contributions from its readers and authors, but also on the financial support from the subscribers. Printing and postage is balanced by this money. At the moment the economy is sound and the society has enough funds for the coming years with the backup from the DNRF CTR. However, Eva Andersson Strand who is a person in charge of sending the invoices to all European libraries, has been having some difficulties, because they do not support an online payment. Payment from the private subscribers does not cause any problems.

4. Subscription 2015

As for the subscription for the current financial year the price is the same, but as the prize now include tax the prize for individual subscribers is 190 DKK/25 Euro, for institutional subscribers 280 DKK/37 Euro and for the back issues 95 or 190 DKK/12 or 25 Euro per issue. Individual subscribers outside Europe are tax reduced to 150 DKK/20 Euro, and 75 or 150 DKK/10 or 20 Euro per issue. Institutional subscribers in and outside Europe are tax reduced to 225 DKK/30 Euro. Same rates are expected for the year 2016. Everyone is reminded to subscribe in the beginning of the year, so that we can prove for the future funding boards that ATR is an important and viable review. Issue No. 57 will be printed in autumn 2015 and the deadline for contributions is the 1st of June 2015.

5.-6. Election 2015/2016

Four members of the board and one deputy member for the current financial year were elected as following: Eva Andersson Strand, Karina Grömer, Ursula Rothe, Ulla Mannering, adding a new board member Joanne Cutler, the prehistoric archaeologist from the UK. For an auditor and deputy auditor members stay Carsten Holt from the SAXO Institute of the University of Copenhagen and Marie-Louise Nosch from the CTR, University of Copenhagen. We thank Carol Christiansen for her work with ATN/ATR in the past years.

7. Miscellaneous

K. Grömer reminded to everyone that spreading the information about ATR is an important thing to do, especially on different platforms, like for example distributing flyers at conferences, meetings or in libraries. U. Mannering reminded that the flyer can be downloaded from the homepage of society. K. Sarri and G. Gavalas proposed to spread the flyers around Greek libraries and museums. J. Banck-Burgess said she can do so for Germany. T. Štolcová mentioned the society’s Facebook page, which has recorded a notable increase of likes from about 500 up to over 850 within the last year. Everyone, who uses this social network, is most welcome to share new information concerning textile events, activities or research. We are also very happy that the online access of the old issues has caused increased interest and readability, what is proven by their massive download. Last but not least, J. Bank-Burgess thanked to all board members for their conscientious involvement in the work on the review, which they are doing in their free time.


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