Annual Meeting in 2010

The annual general meeting for 2010 was announced to take place the 22 April at 16:30 at the Centre for Textile Research, University of Copenhagen in conjunction with the 13th International Aegean Conference. Unfortunately, due to the Icelandic volcanic ash affecting air traffic, the meeting was postponed and instead it took place in Bolton, UK on the 29 May in conjunction with the 5th General Meeting of the DressID project


Margarita Gleba, Eva Andersson Strand, Ulla Mannering, Marie-Louise Nosch and several of the DressID participants.

As no additional proposals have been sent in by the members, the agenda was following:

  1. 1. Election of a chairperson, if somebody so wishes: Ulla Mannering elected as chairperson of the board.
  2. 2. The report of the board for the period since the previous annual general meeting: Two issues for 2009 have been published. We are currently examining the costs of making reprints of ATN issues 1-45. We hope to have them for sale on the webpage by the end of the year.
  3. 3. Presentation and approval of the revised account of 31st of December 2009.
  4. 4. Decisions concerning individual and institutional subscription fee for 2010: the board will apply for funding at NOS-H to cover the costs of production. If funding is granted by NOS-H the subscription rate will remain unchanged for 2011, 2012 and 2013. Otherwise the yearly membership fee for individual and institutional will be raised with 5-9 €. This decision will be announced in the next ATN issue.
  5. 5. Election of 3 members of the board and 1 deputy member for the current financial year: Eva Andersson Strand, Margarita Gleba, Ulla Mannering remain as board members, Carol Christiansen remains as deputy. Karina Grömer is ad hoc scientific board member.
  6. 6. Election of an auditor and 1 deputy auditor member for the current financial year: Marie-Louise Nosch and Lauritz H. Gregersen stay as auditor and deputy.
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