Annual Meeting in 2012

The annual general meeting for 2012 was held at Topoi Haus, Dahlem, Berlin in conjunction with the 7th DressID meeting on the 15th of September 2012.

Present: Ulla Mannering, Susanna Harris, Eva Andersson Strand, Karina Grömer, Paola Cesini, Annette Keller, Carmen Alfaro, Julia Montiner, Chris Verhecken- Lammens, Isabella Benda-Weber, Barbara Köstner, Sabine Schrenk, Cecilia Fluck, Lise Ræder Knudsen, Mary Harlow, Nahum Ben Yehuda.

1. Election of a chairperson, if somebody so wishes: 

No chairperson elected.

2. The report of the board for the period since the previous annual general meeting: Report for 2011. Issues 52 and 53 published. Regular submission of contributions.

Fundraising: Received funding from The Danish Council for Independent Research | Humanities (FKK) for publication in 2012-2014 and digitizing of old issues (1-45): DKK 110.000 – € 15.000. Ulla Mannering has put a great deal of time and effort into this funding application and was thanked for her work.

Margarita Gleba has created a Facebook page for ATR which can be found at We welcome members to post news items or send them to editors to be posted.

Online publishing: The ATR editors have been approached by EBSCO Publishing, a search engine for academic articles. They would like to include ATR in their online journals. EBSCO research databases are used to expose publications to individuals and institutions (see The EBSCO proposal was discussed at some length. The editors initially keen to accept this offer as it gives another opportunity for ATR to be available online. This would help provide exposure for ATR authors and their articles. However, there also seem to be problems with the copyright of images for the internet and the ATR editors are not satisfied with ESBCO’s answers to some of our more detailed questions regarding this issue. Mary Harlow asked if this would be accessible from a home computer or only via a university log in. It is only accessible via a university login. Several people pointed out that they frequently use Google scholar and if ATR could be present there? The ATR editors will examine this opportunity in the future. As it is a complex issue and we kindly ask the members for professional advice. The ATR editors have currently declined EBSCO’s offer but looking to the future we will need to do something like this at some point. PDF’S of ATN 46 and ATN 47 are currently available on the website for anyone to download. ATN 48 and ATN 49 will be available on the website in 2013.

3. Presentation and approval of the revised account of 31st of December 2011: 

The economy of the Society is sound thanks to the grant from NOP-HS in 2011 of app. € 4000 and a grant covering the productions costs for 2012-2014. The account for this funding is finished and has been accepted. In 2011 most expenses from the production of ATN from 2008-2010 were paid, and now most expenses follow the year of production.

The accounts were agreed by 7 votes.

4. Decisions concerning individual and institutional subscription fee for the current financial year: 

We currently have 136 individual members and 50 institutional members. This has been around the same number since 2007, but the number of institutions is falling. This may have something to do with the increased use of online resources at institutions or funding cuts. Institutional membership is for those wishing to make ATR accessible in their libraries. Individual membership is for people who order for their own reading only. Prices in 2012: Individual 20 Euro/year, Institutional 30 Euro/year, Back issues 10 Euro/each. Prices in 2013: Individual 20 Euro/year, Institutional 30 Euro/year, Back issues 10/20 Euro/each. It is very important we have at least 200 members as otherwise we are not eligible to apply for funding from most bodies. We have currently not sufficient subscribers, so please spread the word.

5. Election of 4 members of the board and 1 deputy member for the current financial year:

Elected to the board were Eva Andersson Strand, Margarita Gleba, Susanna Harris, Ulla Mannering and deputy Carol Christiansen.¨

6. Election of an auditor and 1 deputy auditor member for the current financial year. 

Elected as auditor: Carsten Holt, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen, and deputy Marie-Louise Nosch.

7. Miscellaneous:

The name change from ATN to ATR seems to have gone unremarked.

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