Annual Meeting in 2013

The annual general meeting for 2013 was held at Centre for Textile Research, University of Copenhagen, Denmark on the 1th of July 2013

Present: Eva Andersson Strand (EAS), Ulla Mannering (UM), Mary Harlow (MH) and Carsten Holt (CH) in Copenhagen, and Susanna Harris (SH) and Margarita Gleba (MG) in London via Skype.

1. Election of a chairperson, if somebody so wishes:

UM accepted election as Chairperson, and UM opened the meeting with a recap on members of Editorial and Scientific Boards, and review of Society of Friends of ATN.

2. The report of the board for the period since the previous annual general meeting:

Report for 2012: Issue 54 published early 2013. Issues 46 and 47 have been placed on the homepage, and many readers are using this possibility.

Continued and regular submission of contributions to ATR

Fundraising: not an issue for 2013-14 (see below for discussion under Accounts). Printing of back issues 1-45 are delayed by the move of the University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Humanities. UM will pursue the situation after the summer.

Web presence: MG has set up and maintains ATR Facebook page. Site has regular followers (262 on 1.7.13). The site uses standard Facebook graphics and would need assistance to improve. A competition for images among readers was suggested.

3. Presentation and approval of the revised account of 31st of December 2012:

CH presented the accounts for year ending 2012. With the backing of FKK funding and help of CTR, ATR is in good shape for the coming year. Production of only one annual edition cut postal costs considerably, which is reflected positively in the accounts. Subscriptions have dropped and this is noted as a negative impact on the finances with long term implications.

The accounts were accepted and approved by the Board. UM thanked CH for his continued help and support.

4. Decisions concerning individual and institutional subscription fee for the current financial year:

Prices in 2014 will be the same as in 2013: Individual 20 Euro/year, Institutional 30 Euro/year, Back issues 10/20 Euro/each. It is very important we have at least 200 members as otherwise we are not eligible to apply for funding from most bodies. We have currently not sufficient subscribers, which will eventually cause problems for the publishing of ATR. It was noted that many individual subscribers have been lost in the past year, but institutional subscriptions have improved slightly for 2013. At the same time the number of back issues (46-47) downloaded from the ATN homepage is impressive and show the large interest in archaeological textiles (Issue 46 downloaded 600 times and Issue 47 891 times).

Some discussion followed about why this trend might be happening: questions of how payment might be better managed through standing orders; issue of how long we should continue to produce hard copies. The related matter of open access was also discussed.

5. Election of 4 members of the board and 1 deputy member for the current financial year:

Elected to the board were Eva Andersson Strand, Margarita Gleba, Susanna Harris, Ulla Mannering and deputy Carol Christiansen.

6. Election of an auditor and 1 deputy auditor member for the current financial year. 

Elected as auditor: Carsten Holt, SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen, and deputy Marie-Louise Nosch.

7. Miscellaneous:

The name change from ATN to ATR seems to have gone unremarked.

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