
As of 16th October 2023

§ 1: Purpose and members

The purpose of the society is to disseminate knowledge of textile research. This will be accomplished through an annual meeting and the publication of the Archaeological Textiles Newsletter/Review. Members are the Society Board, the Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee members. The Society Board decides the amount of the annual membership fee. The membership does not give title to the assets of the society, nor are the members liable for the obligations of the society.

§ 2: Annual general meeting

The highest authority of the society is the annual general meeting where all members have the right of attendance and 1 vote. It is possible to vote with a maximum of 5 members. An ordinary annual general meeting is to be held each spring at a time and place decided by the society board. The summons for the annual general meeting will be given in writing or by e-mail with a minimum of 30 days advance notice and the following items shall be included in the agenda:

  1. Election of a chairperson, if somebody so wishes 
  2. The report of the Society Board for the period since the previous annual general meeting 
  3. Presentation and approval of the revised account of 31st of December 
  4. Proposals for the agenda should be emailed to the Society Board no later than February 1st and will be sent out with the agenda
  5. Decisions concerning membership fee for the current financial year 
  6. Nomination of new Society Board members 
  7. Any other business

Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes. However, changes in the rules and/or the dissolution of the society require a 2/3 majority of the present members following the statutes for incoming proposals for the agenda. The vote should be in writing if 2 members wish it so. 

20% of the members or 2 members of the Society Board can call for an extraordinary annual general meeting. The call for the extraordinary annual general meeting follows the statutes for an ordinary annual general meeting and the meeting shall be held within 60 days on request, with an agenda according to the statutes.

§ 3: Board and administration

The Society Board and the Editorial Board are separate units and work individually. The Society and Editorial boards are self-constituting. The Society and Editorial boards are unpaid, but the society may cover travel expenses and other expenses connected to the society. At least one of the Society Board members should be represented in the Editorial Board. One Society Board member should be affiliated to Centre for Textile Research at the University of Copenhagen that hosts the society. 

The Society Board consists of a chairperson, secretary⁄vice chairperson, and treasurer. A deputy chairperson may attend the meetings but shall be called in case of a board member’s absence. The chairperson directs the meetings and represents the society. The secretary is also the vice chair. The treasurer is the administrator of the funds of the society. The board can make an arrangement with a person or an institution, in order to carry out the administrative tasks for payment. 

The Editorial Board consists of at least five members, they are specialist within the field of textile research and secure the scientific standard of the review. The Editorial Board holds regular meetings during the years to secure the publication of ATR at the end of each year. The Editorial Board members do not have access to the society assets. Furthermore, the Editorial Board appoints the Scientific Committee for the journal Archaeological Textiles Review.

§ 4: Economy (Financial Circumstances) and miscellaneous

The financial year follows the calendar year. The first financial year is 2008. The auditor must see to it that the resources of the trust are present and that expenses follow the lines of direction and the decisions of the board as well as those made at the general meeting. The annual fee, if any, is collected as soon as possible after the annual general meeting. The trust can accept grants, donations and other sponsor contributions, even those claused for particular purposes. 

The society holds a bank account for the resources of the society. Each Society Board member has access to the account and can carry out transactions on behalf of the society. 

If the trust is dissolved, the resources should be turned over to purposes within textile research, according to the decision of the general annual meeting.

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