Editors: Lise Bender Jørgensen, Elisabeth Wincott Heckett, Johanna Banck-Burgess & John Peter Wild
Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 45
A Study of the Textile Remains from the Necropolis in Angorilla, Alcalá del Rio, Seville, Spain
C. Alfaro Giner
Goldgewebe aus spätrömischen Bestattungen bei Köln
A. Stauffer
Haarnetz und Stirnband aus einem Frauengrab bei Köln
G. Schrade
Late Antique Sarcophagus Burials from St. Maximin in Trier: Current Examination
N. Reifarth
The Midgleys of Bolton and their Contribution to the Scientific Examination of Ancient Textiles
A.P. Thomas
“Weaving Clothes to Shape in the Ancient World” 25 years on: Corrections and Further Details with Particular Reference to the Cloaks from Lahun
H. Granger-Taylor