Editors: Lise Bender Jørgensen, Gillian Vogelsang-Eastwood, Penelope Walton & John Peter Wild
Archaeological Textiles Newsletter 15
A Very Preliminary Report on the Find of Textiles and Textile Equipment in Greenland
J. Arneborg
Loomweights from Hurvat Nimra, Hebron
0. Shamir
Re-examination of the Blue Dye from the Qasile Temple
0. Shamir
The Trials of Flax
C.D. DeRoche
Woollen Sails on the Faroe Islands
B. Naess-Sørensen
Practical Trials with Woollen Sails
M. Vinner
What Does the Frozen Man Tell Us About Textiles?
M.L. Ryder
More Details about the Stichting Textile Research Centre, Leiden
G.M. Vogelsang-Eastwood
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